Casual Everyday is Plague on America

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It all started with Casual Friday. 

Now we are faced with Casual Everyday (every day).  Believe it or not, business attire once upon a time included suits, dress shirts, ties, and slacks.  Today, many of us wear “what we want” and “when we want”.  The question is, “is dressing casual every day for work appropriate”.

First we started to think it was OK to step away from the tradition of men wearing a suit in the majority of business environments.  After the suit was left in the wardrobe, it rather quickly became acceptable in many places of business to wear a shirt and tie to work.  Similar to the jacket, the tie began to progressively slip out of the picture.

Many companies in America now find it acceptable for men to arrive at work in a nice shirt and a some what dressy pair of pants.  Sure, on Friday even jeans are permitted.

Has this made America casual or did it make us a bit lazy?

Does comfortable equal productive?

Does dressing for success breed success?

Today I walked approximately 15 blocks in the bustling city streets in New York City during the primary rush hour.  In the span of a twenty minute walk I saw only 5 to 10 men wearing a tie.

As people lose faith in the economy, as inflation begins to rise (not yet, but it will eventually), as unemployment levels do not meet expectations, should we trend back to a more professional business attire?

Maybe it is time to re-think the dress code in the United States of America.  Do the young people graduating college this year actually know the meaning of the word business suit or is that an archaic word of the past.

If you are interested, you can read the Fashion Industry Network article from early 2009 on the subject of dressing casually in the workplace.  The blog post was discussing the possibility of Casual Friday harming the USA economy among other things.

By the way, I do realize that dressing casual at work is a generalization.  In the United States, there are still many companies and office environments that maintain a higher standard (more strict requirements) in regard to business attire.

If you believe that comfort is key to success, should we wear shorts and tank tops when working at the bank?  Please share your thoughts below.

You may want to shop at one of the following stores. suit image used on this page is from Bachrach so you can see the fine quality and style from this store)

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